Monday, August 10, 2009

Karin Bubaš

Recently I began compulsively watching episodes of The Hills and was struck by the show's mastery of the fabrication of melodrama from commonplace situations. The whole production is so shiny I could not look away. Apparently I am not alone. I found these pastels by Karin Bubas while browsing art blogs today.

Lauren Crying, chalk pastel drawing, 9.5" × 12.5", 2009

Heidi Pouting, chalk pastel drawing, 9.5" × 12.5", 2009

Audrina with Tears, chalk pastel drawing, 9.5" × 12.5", 2009

Spencer, chalk pastel drawing, 9.5" × 12.5", 2009

Source here

One night I was so moved by the same moment depicted above (Heidi Pouting) that I took a photo for later use.


1 comment:

  1. these chalks grab me. There is something terribly ironic about it all. Thank you for sharing, truly beautiful :)
