These images are from the Humble Arts Foundation website where he had a solo show. CLICK HERE
Jesse Burke's website: CLICK HERE
Coincidentally Mr. Burke shot the accompanying portrait of that Mary Boone article.
Also coincidentally Boone poses in front of a painting(the abstraction on the right) by Brice Marden* whose daughter Mirabelle co-owns the recently closed Rivington Arms Gallery which represented Matthew Cerletty, a painter I really like.
This came to mind recently when viewing Dirk Skreber's exhibition at Friedric Petzel Gallery in Chelsea. Featuring two vagina-shaped crashed cars impaled on penile poles and bare-breasted paintings of super heroes, the show is the closest thing I’ve seen to pornography lately. I hoped there was more to it than appeared, until I read the press release, which described Skreber’s sculptures as “begging ambivalence.” In other words, they are to be read at face value. One might conclude the vehicle’s fastidiously clean surfaces mean to sanitize the sexual references, which might have some merit were it not such an obvious appeal to a notoriously conservative collectors’ market.
Though accomplished, Skreber’s paintings are similarly empty. Resembling a TV with poor signal, the artist uses foam and tape to create horizontal lines running through the work. In theory, this slows the immediate recognition of the comic book character identities, but so what? The mere act of appropriation neither erases the original misogynistic content, nor distances the artist from its original interpretation. In sum, we’re left with a sanitized vagina car-wrap and a bunch of topless, semi-nameless women. Add to this the voyeuristic mirrors covering the gallery pillars and it’s simply impossible to ignore Skreber’s implied violence and objectification of the female body.
Full review HERE. More images HERE.
How weird is it that they both use demolished cars. I like this better.
Cai Guo-Qiang:
Apparently these sculptures titled "Innoportune" may or may not be political as in they may or may not reference car bombings in the Middle East. So mysterious. And pretty.
Oh, and this happened:
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